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Is the Honey Bee Your Spirit Animal?

A spirit animal or totem animal is a representation of your true self. Maybe you already know what your spirit animal is, or maybe you’re wondering why you should even care about spirit animals! Really it’s an exercise to help you better know yourself.

Ok so if you made it past the last sentence you must still be interested in spirit animals and which one is yours. There are many, many sites online where you can take a “test” and it will spit back an animal for you. However, the easiest way to start may be to just sit and think about what animal you would most like to be. No need to consult with a shaman or sit in a cloud of hallucinogenic smoke. Most probably already have an idea of which animal they most associate with. Maybe it’s a dog, or a type of bird, a lion or even an elephant. But maybe, just maybe you think a honey bee best represents your true self. Or maybe you just aren’t quite sure…so let’s talk about what the honey bee symbolizes.

Honey Bee Symbolism

Honey bees are most associated with hard work and productivity. They are busy from sun up to sun down, every day.  The bee also symbolizes energy (which they need to do all that work), community and teamwork.  Because of these traits they are able to accomplish that which seems impossible – flying, gathering 75lbs of honey, amazing construction, tremendously fast communication, etc.

Are you someone who is constantly busy (Holly falls squarely in the category, while I avoid busy like the plaque)? Do you appreciate the value of hard work and feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment after completing a difficult task? Are you at your best when working as part of a team or surrounded by people you care about? Are you high energy with a will that enables you to accomplish the impossible?

If you answered “yes” to most of those questions, then the honey bee may be your spirit animal! If it is, then one other lesson you need to take from the bee is to savor the sweet things in life. There is always a balance. While the honey bee works diligently in the spring and early summer, they remain in the hive from late fall until early spring. Be sure not to miss out on life and get sucked into becoming a workaholic. Also be aware that as a honey bee, when threatened you may have a tendency to react aggressively.

Still not sure what the big deal is with this spirit animal hocus pocus? Like I mentioned earlier, at the very least it’s just a fun exercise to explore your inner self a bit more without having to take a personality test. Plus it can be an interesting conversation starter! “So my spirit animal is a snow leopard…what’s yours?”

Holly is almost definitely has honey bee spirit animal DNA. I’m pretty sure that a hibernating bear is my totem, which is good because bears and bees go together! If you have a spirit animal, what is it? I’m not sure that wine or bourbon count…

Don’t want to necessarily smell like your spirit animal? Try one of our aluminum free, probiotic deodorants.

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