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Kentucky Curated in Louisville, KY

Bluegrass Bee is now Seek&Bee

We’re glad you found us! We’ve got a new name, but our products are still the ones you know and love.

Got It

Honey Oat Energy Bites

These are easy to make snacks that boost your energy and keep you satisfied. We used to sell these at the markets but couldn’t keep up with the demand! Give them a try. They’re delicious, kids love them and they can be packed easily.

  • 2/3 Cup Raw Honey – quick, sustained energy
  • 1 Cup peanut butter – high in good fat and protein, helps fills you up
  • 2 Cup oats – a slow burning carb for more sustained energy
  • 2 tsp vanilla – …it tastes good!
  • 1.5 Cup unsweetened coconut – high in fat and fiber it helps keep you satisfied

Mix all ingredients together and roll into balls or press out in rimmed baking sheet or dish and cut into bars.  Feel free to experiment by adding fried fruits, seeds or even a few chocolate chips. Enjoy!

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