The Power of Pollen
Let’s talk about the benefits of consuming bee pollen. If you’ve been keeping up with our newsletter, you probably know that pollen is collected by bees to feed their larvae. It is one of nature’s most nourishing foods for them and for us! Bee pollen is roughly 40% protein. Pollen also contains nearly all the nutrients required by the human body. Half of pollen’s protein is free amino acids which are ready to be used immediately by the body. In fact, pollen contains more protein then any animal source and more amino acids by weight then eggs or beef! Despite scientist’s best efforts, they have not been able to synthesize bee pollen in a lab. They can create a substance that has the same nutrients, but the bees add a mysterious “extra” to the mix that hasn’t been figured out.
In addition to beneficial protein, the German Federal Board of Health actually recognizes bee pollen as a medicine. It reduces inflammation, has powerful antioxidant properties, boosts energy levels, boosts your immune system, and helps build blood. Pretty amazing stuff!
A teaspoon added to your smoothie or salad is a good way to incorporate pollen into your diet. However you should start slow to make sure you won’t have an allergic reaction. Place one granule under your tongue the first day and see if any issues develop. If all is OK, slowly build up from there on a daily basis.